Nebo Studio is a fine art printmaking workshop for custom printing, specializing in the silkscreen medium in all its many and varied possibilities. The Studio is owned and ran by master printer Nenad Bozic, since 1996. For all inquires, projects, fees and prints for sale, please use the contact link.


The will that drives an artist to graphic techniques is perhaps partly attempt to cement the vacillating lines of drawing once and for all. The technical requirements also liberate forces in the artists which are never called upon in the much freer techniques of drawing and painting. The mechanical process of printing draws all the different phases of the work into whole.

The preparations can be infinitely expanded, and there is great attraction in working on a subject for months to achieve perfection of form and expression without losing the initial clarity of the block. The mystique which surrounded the invention of printing in the Middle Ages is still experienced by everyone who bothers to master the technical difficulties of graphic work.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner